
McClure’s Bloody Mary mix, Pigeon Hill vodka team up

McClure’s Pickles co-founders (and brothers) Bob and Jim McClure wanted to pair their Bloody Mary Mixer with a vodka to create a canned ready-to-drink Bloody Mary, but they didn’t want to change the mix’s original... more »

MDARD announces specialty crop grant opportunity

The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) on Jan. 6 announced a request for proposals through the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Ag Marketing Services.... more »

Stokes Seeds acquires Siegers Seed

Stokes Seeds acquired Holland, Michigan’s Siegers Seed Co. effective shortly before the holidays, according to a recent press release from Stokes. Stokes said the 2019-2020 sales season is a transition year with a primary focus... more »

Funky smell traced to rotting radishes, sound farming practice

It wasn’t sewage, gas leaks, rotten eggs or dead bodies that caused a strange odor during much of December around Grand Ledge, Michigan. According to a Jan. 1 story in the Lansing State Journal, there... more »

Organic weed control a topic at Practical Farmers of Iowa event

The Practical Farmers of Iowa (PFI) Annual Conference, "Reclaiming Resilience," scheduled for Jan. 16-18, will feature a short course on organic weed control. For experienced farmers and newcomers alike, managing weeds is one of the... more »

Nurturing resilient farms a topic at Michigan Family Farms Conference

The Michigan Family Farms Conference is celebrating 17 years of providing education, networking and professional development opportunities to small- and medium-scale farms in Michigan. This year’s conference will be Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020, from 8 a.m. –... more »

United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement backed by Stabenow

U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Michigan, announced Dec. 18 her support for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). As Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, & Forestry, Stabenow worked closely with other Democratic... more »

Vive Crop Protection adds Davidson to head Midwest sales

Rick Davidson of Marshall, Illinois, has joined Toronto, Canada-based Vive Crop Protection as Midwest regional sales manager. Davidson is working with the distribution and retail networks to position Vive’s unique products to growers across the... more »

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