Pacific Northwest

$2M to support WSU research, students given by Northwest Farm Credit Services

Students, bees, wine and multiple agricultural research and outreach programs will benefit from a recent $2 million donation by Northwest Farm Credit Services to Washington State University. “From its very founding, WSU has stood side-by-side... more »

Potato, fruit growers benefit from expansion of WSU decision system

For more than a decade, entomologist David Crowder has helped Pacific Northwest farmers sustainably defend against insect pests and invaders. This winter, Crowder expanded his role as interim director of Washington State University’s Decision Aid System... more »

Developing Oregon’s Winter Vegetable Market project fills need

Oregon’s mild winter climate is well-suited to storage crops and over-wintered field vegetables for local and regional markets. However, there are currently few locally-grown winter vegetables in produce markets from January through April. Growers, chefs,... more »

OSU Extension steps up to address the needs of Oregon’s organic farms

Organic agriculture continues to grow rapidly in Oregon and is becoming an important economic engine while also supporting environmentally friendly farming. The state ranks fifth in the nation in organic sales and is stronger than... more »

Emergency COVID-19 regulations face lawsuit from Washington groups

Leading agriculture groups in Washington state announced Feb. 2 they are taking legal action against the sate of Washington over recently renewed emergency COVID-19 regulations they say are ill-conceived, increase health risks to essential farm... more »

American Journal of Agricultural Economics names McCluskey editor

Helping share and expand knowledge of the economics of food, agriculture, and natural resources, Jill McCluskey, Regents Professor and Director of the School of Economic Sciences at Washington State University, is the newest editor of the American... more »

17th annual Agriculture Safety Day scheduled in Washington state

Agriculture Safety Day is one of the finest safety conferences in the Pacific Northwest and is focused on the agriculture industry. Registration for the 17th annual Agriculture Safety Day is now open. Sign up today... more »

Orcal grows with addition of crop protection industry specialists

Junction City, Oregon-based Orcal Inc. is welcoming industry specialists and restructuring its management team to meet customer demand. Agriculture always has been and remains essential, and that is apparent at Orcal, an agricultural, consumer and... more »

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