By Region
Gebru to direct Colorado Department of Agriculture plant division
The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) has selected of Wondirad Gebru as director of the department’s Plant Industry Division. As director, Gebru will serve as a member of the Department's senior management team and provide... more »
Community supported agriculture offers many benefits
Community Supported Agriculture, or CSA, directly connects consumers and producers to help create a more profitable and transparent local food system. CSAs have been around for a while, but have adapted to changes in the market,... more »
Colorado growers honor CSU’s Adrian Card
Adrian Card, Colorado State University (CSU) Boulder County Extension Agent and Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association (CFVGA) founding board member, was named the CFVGA Robert Sakata 2019 Member of the Year. The honor was... more »
Nematologist George W. Bird to receive MSU Distinguished Faculty Award
George W. Bird, Ph.D., will receive the 2020 Michigan State University (MSU) College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) Distinguished Faculty Award during ANR Week on March 6. The Distinguished Faculty Award recognizes faculty members... more »
California Extension offers water measurement, reporting courses April 14
California water-rights holders are required by state law to measure and report the water they divert from surface streams. For people who wish to take the water measurements themselves, the University of California Cooperative Extension... more »
Sixth annual conference a success for Colorado Fruit & Vegetable growers
More than 300 growers, allied industry companies, produce buyers and other produce enthusiasts gathered Feb. 25-26 in Denver for the Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association (CFVGA) 6th Annual Conference. Newly elected to the CFVGA... more »
Jon Konya joins BioSafe Systems as Great Lakes sales representative
BioSafe Systems is excited to announce the hire of Jon Konya as a Technical Sales Representative in the Great Lakes region. Jon currently lives in southwest Michigan but has done quite a bit of traveling.... more »
California vegetable value goes up while acres down
The value of California’s 2019 utilized vegetable production rose to $7.864 billion, 7.3% above the 2018 value according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Pacific Regional Field Office. Increases in the value of... more »