By Region

UC Davis licenses strawberry cultivars in Mexico

The University of California has entered into a master licensing agreement with Fresa Fortaleza LLC (F2), based in Watsonville, California, for the sub-licensing of new strawberry cultivars in Mexico. The agreement governs the licensing of five... more »

Feb. 24-25 set for Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers event

The Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association (CFVGA) will hold its sixth annual conference Feb. 24-25, 2020, at the Renaissance Denver Stapleton Hotel. Kicking off the conference will be John Cravens, Yercic Label, addressing the... more »

Roadmap to Organic California: Policy Report released

California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) is releasing a plan to use organic farming to reduce California’s greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. Three decades of peer-reviewed science backs up the policy solutions laid out... more »

Entomologist to present history of vegetable pests

About the time Hugh Smith was a graduate student in entomology and nematology at the University of Florida, his academic department was housed on the top floor of McCarty Hall in Gainesville. Steinmetz Hall, the... more »

Mid-Atlantic Strawberry Programs slated for March 2-3

The Mid-Atlantic Strawberry Programs  will be held March 2-3. The Strawberry Field Walk will be on March 2, from 12:30 p.m. until dark. The Evening Program will take place immediately following the Field Walk and... more »

MSU updates insect and disease management recommendations

Michigan State University Extension has updated its insect and disease management recommendations for the 2020 greenhouse season. There have been some changes from the previous 2019 recommendations. These recommendations are updated yearly to reflect efficacy... more »

AcMoody Farms named Red Gold Master Grower, Tomato Grower of the Year

Red Gold Inc., of Elwood, Indiana, presented Brian and Vern AcMoody of Union City, Michigan, a plaque naming them the winner of the E.A. Reichart Quality Achievement Award to honor them as the Tomato Grower... more »

University of Georgia Tifton Campus to be led by Michael Toews

Michael Toews has been named assistant dean of the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences to oversee the Tifton Campus. Toews, a UGA entomology professor, succeeds Joe West, who is retiring February... more »

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