Reduced fruit size in strawberries explained
University of Delaware Extension is reporting several growers have commented that fruit size in strawberries is smaller than normal in 2017. This poses the question “what affects strawberry fruit size?” In plasticulture strawberries, one critical... more »
UC Davis involved in strawberry breeding ruling
According to a news release from the University of California-Davis, a federal jury has ruled in favor of the University of California in its lawsuit with two former UC Davis strawberry breeders and the private... more »
Bee Vectoring Technologies reports on commercial strawberry trials
Bee Vectoring Technologies said in a news release it has had successful, verified results from large commercial scale demonstrations of its proprietary crop production system, with strawberry growers in Florida. According to the release, the demonstrations... more »
Researchers hope to extend Northeast’s strawberry season
June marks the start of what many here in the Northeast believe is the sweetest part of summer — berry season. It's a time ripe with strawberry festivals, pick-your-own-berries and local farmers' markets. For berry... more »
Bjorn named president of Driscoll’s of the Americas
Driscoll’s, a distributor of fresh berries, has promoted Soren Bjorn to president, Driscoll’s of the Americas, effective immediately. Bjorn previously served as executive vice president, Driscoll’s of the Americas, a role he assumed in 2013 when... more »
Getting the basics right when planting strawberries
A successful strawberry planting hinges on getting the basics right at planting time. If you can pay attention to the basics, you are well on your way to having a vigorous planting. Here are a... more »
Low tunnels show good results for strawberries
June-bearing (short-day) strawberries are a high-value crop, but their brief harvest season severely limits the window of opportunity for making a profit. At most, with a combination of cultivar and production methods, the harvest season... more »
FMC fungicide receives California approval for chemigation applications
Rhyme fungicide from FMC, registered for a range of specialty crops throughout the U.S., received approval from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation for chemigation application in strawberries, tomatoes, cucurbits, fruiting vegetables with other crops... more »