Feb 17, 2017Extension specialist Andrew Wyenandt honored for service to ag
Rutgers Cooperative Extension specialist Andrew Wyenandt was one of two individuals who were honored with Distinguished Service to Agriculture Citations by the New Jersey State Board of Agriculture during the New Jersey State Agricultural Convention in Atlantic City on Feb. 8. Mercer County farmer Scott Ellis also received a citation.
“New Jersey is fortunate to have outstanding individuals who have dedicated their lives to the betterment of the Garden State’s agriculture industry,” said New Jersey Secretary of Agriculture Douglas H. Fisher. “The leadership and experience of Scott and Dr. Wyenandt have had a lasting impact on farmers and young people interested in agriculture.”
Wyenandt is an associate professor in the department of Plant Biology and has been an extension specialist at Rutgers University since 2005. He has been on the Executive Committee and a section leader for Sustainable Agriculture Systems for the Department of Plant Biology, and has served on the Greenhouse Committee for the Rutgers Agricultural and Research Extension Center in Bridgeton.
Wyenandt has chaired and organized several organizations and activities. They include being chair of the Fungicide Resistance Development in North America for the 21st Century Workshop and chair of the Northeast Vegetable IPM Working Group.
He has also been president of the Northeast Division Phytopathological Society, is on the board of directors for the New Jersey Agribusiness Association and is a member of the Rutgers Cooperative Extension Vegetable Working Group and Mid-Atlantic Vegetable Working Group.
Wyenandt was a co-author of the book, “Fungicide Resistance in North America” published in 2016. He has also written for more than 20 electronic publications and journals. The topics have included fungicide resistance, skin separation in bell peppers, cucurbit viruses in commercial fields and the effects of nitrogen fertilizer on pumpkin yield.
Organizations who qualify to send delegates to the New Jersey State Agricultural Convention may nominate a state farmer for the award. For more information on the Distinguished Service to Agriculture Award see the State of New Jersey Department of Agriculture.