Oct 5, 2016
Isagro USA to market KENTAND DF in US again

Isagro USA will once again market KENTAN DF in the United States.

“KENTAN DF fits the profile of our short and long-term marketing strategy for the U.S. and Canada. The addition of KENTAN DF back into the Isagro USA portfolio will contribute significantly to Isagro’s product offering in North America,” said Mike Allan, president of Isagro USA.

KENTAN DF quality is a newly engineered formulation with a reduced particle size, according to Isagro. With a copper hydroxide-based fungicide, KENTAN DF offers a number of key benefits according to the company, including a higher degree of rainfastness than other brands. The small-particle size composition of KENTAN DF also improves efficacy and enhances ease of use through quick water dispersion, reducing the risk of exposure, according to a company press release.

Since December 2013, Gowan USA was awarded exclusive distribution rights in the United States for a number of Isagro crop protection products. For the KENTAN DF brand, Gowan USA and Isagro mutually agreed that exclusive distribution rights should transfer back to Isagro USA for this brand only. Gowan USA will continue to market exclusively all the other existing copper brands (Badge SC and Badge X2) that were awarded in December 2013.

Other brands marketed by Isagro include the biofumigant, Dominus , the biorational fungicide, Bio-Tam 2.0, the plant bio-activator/nutrient products Tamarack and Tamarack Nature.

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