Aug 11, 2010Kixor controls weeds
Kixor herbicide technology offers growers a new solution to address weed control issues. Launched in September 2009, the unique chemistry powers a family of products specifically designed to solve the toughest broadleaf weed challenges facing growers today, according to BASF.
Kixor has been successful in part because it addresses two of the most common challenges faced by growers – managing input costs and protecting yields – by controlling broadleaf weeds quickly and providing residual activity on tough broadleaf weeds, according to BASF.
A recent BASF-commissioned survey of growers indicated that 56 percent of participants feel that glyphosate resistance has led to increased weed control challenges, especially for tough resistant weeds such as giant ragweed, lambsquarters and marestail. To address these resistance issues, growers are looking to new herbicide technologies, like Kixor, to combat glyphosate, ALS inhibitor and triazine resistant weeds, according to BASF.
Kixor is ideal on ALS, glyphosate and triazine-resistant weeds because its unique chemistry provides broad-spectrum foliar and residual broadleaf weed control across a wide range of crops. As the only product in the pyrimidineodione class of chemistry, it provides a new resistance management tool, according to BASF.
Kixor is labeled for use on a wide range of crops including corn, fallow, grain sorghum, soybeans, cereals, cotton, chickpeas, dry field peas, sunflower, citrus, pome fruit and nut trees.
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