Oct 13, 2016
New SummitAgro fungicide available to lettuce growers

This season, California and Arizona growers have an entirely new fungicide option, KENJA 400SC from Summit Agro USA, at their disposal.

KENJA 400SC Fungicide, incorporating the newest SDHI technology, is a group 7 fungicide, proven to control lettuce (Sclerotinia) drop, with excellent activity on both Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Sclerotinia minor, according to the company.

Lettuce drop can be highly destructive, slashing yields by as much as 25 percent to 50 percent.

“The chemistry of KENJA – the actual molecule – is different,” said Jim Sturges, Summit Agro regional manager. A 4th generation SDHI fungicide, not only does KENJA provide exceptional in-season disease protection it’s unique chemistry helps to minimize SDHI resistance potential, according to the company.

In either direct seeded or transplanted lettuce KENJA provides highly effective control of Sclerotinia drop (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Sclerotinia minor) and can easily mesh with current disease management programs, according to Summit Agro.

In addition to lettuce, KENJA Fungicide is also registered for strawberries, almonds, canola, and grapes.

KENJA fungicide is distributed in the USA by Summit Agro USA, and sold exclusively through Tenkoz member companies and Helena Chemical Company. For more information, visit www.summitagro-usa.com/index or call a local Tenkoz or Helena representative.

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