Mar 16, 2015
Nimitz receives California registration

The nematicide Nimitz, produced by Adama, has received state registration in California for use on tomatoes, peppers, okra, eggplant, cucumbers, watermelons, cantaloupe and squash.

According to a news release from Adama, Nimitz, delivers a combination of efficacy, simplicity and safety for control of plant-parasitic nematodes on commercial vegetables.

“With its fast-acting and unique mode of action, Nimitz raises industry standards,” according to Adama. “As a truer, more complete contact nematicide, it also fills a void in the absence of methyl bromide.”

Adama states Nimitz represents the first new chemical nematicide to be introduced in more than 20 years. The product’s label carries the least restrictive signal word – “Caution.”

In contrast to fumigant nematicides, Nimitz simplifies nematode management by lessening complex handling practices and application restrictions, the release stated. The result is no fumigant management plans, no 24-hour field monitoring, no buffer zones, no re-entry interval (REI), no specialized equipment and minimal personal protective equipment (PPE).

“Nimitz is a contact nematicide, not a fumigant,” said Herb Young, Adama brand leader. “And because of its residual activity, Nimitz’s control of nematodes often exceeds the commercial standards. The distinct advantage over other nematicides is that it frees growers from complications, liabilities, and dangers associated with fumigants.”

As a non-gas formulation, the active ingredient in Nimitz is distributed through the soil and into contact with nematodes through irrigation or rainfall.

“Unlike older chemistries, there is no mandatory tarping or specialized machinery requirement. Applications may include broadcast or banding with mechanical incorporation or through drip-injection,” the release stated.

As a “true nematicide,” Nimitz causes “irreversible nematicidal activity that results in pest mortality within 48 hours of application, rather than temporary nematostatic (immobilizing) activity as seen with organophosphates and carbamate nematicides.”

“Nimitz is lethal to nematodes,” Young said. “As a result, we see greatly improved root health all season which leads to yield enhancement.”

The EPA wrote in the Federal Docket on July 24, 2014 that, “Fluensulfone (Nimitz) represents a safer alternative for nematode control with a new mode of action and a much simpler and straightforward product label.”

A secondary crop tier has been submitted to the EPA for future registration on potatoes, strawberries, carrots, tobacco and turf.

For more information about Nimitz, click here.

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