Apr 18, 2017OSU bee expert wins top Entomological Society award
Ramesh Sagili of Oregon State University’s (OSU) College of Agricultural Sciences won an award from the Pacific branch of the Entomological Society of America.
Sagili, assistant professor and Extension specialist in the horticulture department, is an expert in honey bees. He heads the Oregon State Honey Bee Lab and the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program. He received his doctorate in entomology from Texas A&M University in 2007.
Thirteen West Coast scientists received awards from the society for outstanding achievement in the various sub-disciplines of entomology. Sagili, the only OSU scientist in the group, was honored for his research and Extension activities in insect physiology, biochemistry and toxicology. He received the award at the Pacific branch’s annual meeting in Portland last week.
“It is a great honor and satisfaction to be recognized by my peers,” Sagili said. “This award recognizes the diligent efforts put forth by my current and past lab members to improve honey bee health for sustainable pollination, agriculture and the ecosystem.
— Gail Wells, Orgeon State University
Source: Life@OSU, Oregon State University