Apr 1, 2020
Stay-at-home order in Florida exempts ‘essential’ agriculture services

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on April 1 issued a stay-at-home order for the entire state as it grapples with a rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak.

The order goes into effect April 2 at midnight and will last for at least 30 days, DeSantis said at a briefing. DeSantis said the order would limit movement within the state. Unless residents are pursuing “essential” services or activities they should stay indoors, he said.

The executive order uses the guidance from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to determine what are essential services. That guidance clearly includes agriculture so farmers and ranchers – and other agricultural support interests – who are able to continue in their roles without remaining at home.

Here is a link to the order. https://static-s3.lobbytools.com/docs/2020/4/1/120824_executive_order_20_91.pdf

According to news reports, Florida has the fifth most cases of any state in the U.S. reporting nearly 7,000 coronavirus cases and 87 deaths, according to the state health department.


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