Crop Management

New Fumigant Draws Praise

Salinas-area strawberry farmers and agricultural researchers Monday praised the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's approval of the fumigant methyl iodide, which, if it gets the state's OK for use, could replace ozone-layer-depleting methyl bromide. Salinas Californian more »

Socking It to Strawberry Root Rot

Strawberry plants grown in compost-filled mesh tubes, or 'socks,' had significantly less chance of getting black root rot, a severe threat to yields, than plants grown directly in infested soils in an Agricultural Research Service... more »

Farm Moves Toward Employee Ownership

The community of Sequim is nestled in Washington's Dungeness Valley, between the Olympic Mountains and Pacific Ocean, near the mouth of the Dungeness River. The area's geography and weather patterns have created a unique microclimate... more »

Singles Group Pairs Farmers Looking for Love

Farm life can be rewarding, but it isn't exactly "Sex and the City." The rural lifestyle has been known to put a crimp in more than one social life. That's where Singles In Agriculture comes... more »

House Passes Farm Bill With the Old Warts Intact

Fruit and vegetable industry leaders proudly grabbed their $1.6 billion bone and ran off to chew on it, but many others are coming to think this "new" Farm Bill is a rotting carcass that needs... more »

A Sweet Job with High Yields

Kevin Delaney, 17, has a sweet summer job. He sells sweet corn for $4 a dozen and by the time the crop is complete in three-and-a-half weeks, he's expecting some sweet returns. HeraldNewsOnline more »

Exotic Vegetables Cater to Needs of Immigrant Groups

When the price of field corn nearly doubled last year, farmers responded. They added 10 million acres to the planting schedule this spring. You don't want to do that with eggplant. On the other hand,... more »

Mason Farmers Rely on Irrigation

County is set apart by sandy soil, abundant underground water supply. Journal Star Business News more »

Greenhouse Serves As Market’s Retail Center

The big new greenhouse that is Halter's Market sits like a butterfly in Vincennes, Ind., gradually unfolding its wings as the warmth of the day increases. Built of steel, aluminum and glass, the roof gradually... more »

Pursuit Of Grants Alters Washington Extension Priorities

This is the fifth story in a series about the future of Extension. Contrary to the opinions of most of his old professors, Tim Smith is not a loser. In fact, he's quite highly regarded... more »

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