Late spring gives Michigan onion growers weed problems
All dry bulb onions should be planted by now. Planting onions after May 10 results in smaller bulbs and smaller total yields. If fields intended for onions have not been planted yet, growers should consider... more »
Allium leafminer detected in Pennsylvania
The allium leafminer (also known as the onion leafminer) has recently been detected and confirmed from infested leeks and onions in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. This is the first confirmed infestation in the Western Hemisphere. Your... more »
Crop mix keeps customers coming back for more
When the Erbs talk about the diversity of their crops, they're not exaggerating. They grow 74 varieties of heirloom tomatoes, 54 varieties of peaches and nectarines and more than 100 varieties of pumpkins, for example,... more »
Plant overwintering onions now
As the market demand for more locally grown produce harvested year-round increases, onions are a crop that seems to be receiving a great deal of attention. Season extension and overwintering techniques utilizing plasticulture technology can... more »
Onion weed control in a cool, wet year
Onion weed control always requires attention and effort, but in wet years it becomes very difficult to maintain clean fields. Weeds grow more rapidly than onions, herbicides lose activity sooner and wet fields make subsequent... more »
BREAKING: Appeals court sides with Georgia Ag Department
In a recent appeals court ruling, Judge Michael Boggs said Georgia Ag Commissioner Gary Black has the authority to establish a packing date for Vidalia onions.Here's more from GPB News: An appeals court judge is... more »
Vestaron receives California registration
Vestaron Corporation announced that its VST-006330-EP biopesticide has received a product registration and master label from California's Department of Pesticide Regulation. This follows last year's registration with EPA and subsequent label expansion last month.VST-006330-EP will... more »
UGA researcher seeking to improve squash crop
A University of Georgia (UGA) vegetable horticulturist is searching for new squash varieties to help Georgia farmers improve the state's $24.7 million squash industry.Yellow squash is predominantly grown in the South, as more national acreage... more »
Early season onion weed control
All onions in Michigan have been planted and most of them are in the flag to two leaf stage. The cool and damp weather has allowed proliferation of many weeds, including yellow rocket, shepherdspurse, ladysthumb... more »
Maintain quality during postharvest handling
Successful marketing of fresh fruits and vegetables depends on maintaining the quality through harvest and beyond.Marita Cantwell, postharvest specialist at the University of California, Davis, said in a presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Fruit & Vegetable... more »