
Pollinator conference seeks public engagement this year

The national Protecting Pollinators in Urban Landscapes conference is Oct. 10-12 in Athens, Georgia. The annual conference brings together researchers, educators, practitioners and others interested in bee conservation through discussions, talks and education sessions. It... more »

California accepting pollinator grant applications

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is accepting grant applications for the Pollinator Habitat Program (PHP), administered by its Office of Environmental Farming and Innovation. The 12-week application period opened Aug. 31 and... more »

Commercial honeybee colony losses down

The annual honey bee colony survey is out: commercial colony losses were down, but some backyard beekeepers lost more colonies than ever. Every year, beekeepers expect to replace some of their colonies as they die... more »

BASF to donate $50,000 to pollinator program

BASF Agricultural Solutions North America announced on June 22 that it will donate $50,000 to The Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund’s Seed A Legacy pollinator habitat program. The donation is part of BASF’s annual Living... more »

USDA-ARS working on collecting a library of bee genomes

The USDA Agricultural Research Service is leading a project dubbed "Beenome100" to produce high-quality maps of the genomes of at least 100 bee species, capturing the diversity of bees in the United States, representing each... more »

Winter honeybees show resistance to common insecticide

Winter honeybees, compared to newly emerged summer bees, have a better ability to withstand the harmful effects of a widely-used insecticide in pest management, according to a recent study published in Apidologie. [caption id="attachment_29291" align="alignright"... more »

Pennsylvania invests in pollinator research, specialty crops

Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding was joined by Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Dean Richard Roush to highlight nearly $1 million of Wolf Administration investments strengthening the competitiveness of Pennsylvania specialty crops. There, they joined... more »

Bee nutrition product launched

America's Healthy Bees, LLC on Oct. 5 unveiled a bee feed product supposed to make sure bees eat nutritiously. BeesVita Plus, a nutritional system supposed to bolster honey bees' immune systems, strengthen their resistance to... more »

Health of honeybee colonies reflected in USDA data release

USDA has released data regarding the status of honeybee colonies in the United States. The information came from National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board. Honeybee colonies for operations with five or more colonies... more »

Could robots replace honeybees as pollinators?

The world’s honeybee population is in a steep decline that science has, so far, been unable to reverse. Some scientists are working on solutions to the culprits — diseases, pests, bee forage availability and pesticides... more »

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