Sweet corn
Sweet corn makes life green for growers
Sweet corn is one of the most profitable production systems for growers and frequently jumps to the top of the priority list for diverse specialty crop farms. “Sweet corn is a super adaptable direct-seeded or... more »
AgBiTech expands U.S. biosolutions distribution through UPL
UPL Ltd., a global provider of sustainable agricultural solutions, and AgBiTech, whose agricultural biological innovations create healthy food systems, are expanding their strategic partnership. Through the collaboration, UPL will distribute AgBiTech’s entire portfolio of biosolutions... more »
What do you charge for sweet corn? We’re all ears
Vegetable Growers News is seeking input on pricing at farm markets across the country. The farm market pricing survey seeks retail per-pound data on specific commodities in these categories: Pre-picked conventionally grown fruits and vegetables;... more »
How to identify top corn diseases
As corn is beginning to tassel, it is a good time to scout fields to decide if a fungicide will be applied. While you are out scouting, here are some tips from Alyssa Koehler, Extension... more »
USDA ARS researchers look at sweet corn hybrids to increase yields
Sweet corn is one of the most important vegetable crops in the United States, providing an important source of fiber, minerals, and vitamins for humans and for animal feed. ARS researchers and their collaborators are... more »
Poor stands, plant vigor reported in sweet corn
Growers are reporting issues with stands and vigor in sweet corn fields in 2022, especially in early planted fields. There can be many causes for stand loss and weak seedlings: surface compaction and crusting, birds,... more »
Nitrogen management key for organic sweet corn
Building up the nitrogen supplying capacity of the soil is key to growing organic sweet corn. With no high analysis, nitrogen fertilizers approved for sidedressing on an organic crop, rotations with legumes and cover crops,... more »
Midwest growers fight bacterial leaf streak
Tar spot captures the most attention as a new foliar disease in corn in the Midwest, but bacterial leaf streak may be as big of a concern to sweet corn growers. Bacterial leaf streak can... more »
Striving for worm-free sweet corn
As some extra-early plantings of sweet corn are beginning to reach the silking stage, growers should have a plan for managing caterpillar pests. Pheromone traps at various locations around Ohio have been detecting some corn... more »
Abbott & Cobb, Syngenta sign licensing agreement
Abbott & Cobb, a developer and marketer of vegetable varieties in the U.S. and worldwide, has completed a long-term agreement to license A&C’s recently patented technology, SuperSeedWare (SSW) to Syngenta Seeds for worldwide use in... more »