
Researchers fight plant pathogens with RNA

Have you ever bought strawberries or other fruits and vegetables, forgot to put them in the refrigerator and later noticed they had gray mold on some of them? That’s Botrytis cinerea, a fungal pathogen that... more »

Tomato production varies in European countries

European trends in tomato production vary from country to country, driven by market demands and production cycles. A panel of speakers at the recent International Tomato Conference in Antwerp, Belgium, spoke about trends in their... more »

New defense found against bacterial disease in tomatoes

Researchers at the Cornell-affiliated Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI) and Virginia Tech have discovered a new weapon in the arms race between plants and pathogenic bacteria, which tomatoes use to detect the microbe that causes bacterial... more »

Late blight found in North Carolina’s Buncombe County

Tomato late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, was reported to NCSU Extension Agent on Aug. 25, from a conventional tomato field in Buncombe County, North Carolina. Symptoms were first observed on the previous... more »

Skelly’s Farm Market adapts to retail agriculture

A traditional Midwestern farm that raised 350 acres of field crops and milked 50 cows a day has successfully converted to a small vegetable growing and farm market business over the past 26 years. Skelly’s... more »

Texas tomato growers slice into market with fresh fruit all fall

Tomatoes are the Type B’s of the vegetable world: Laid-back, creative, collaborative. Want a slice on a burger? Fine. Chopped into a salad? Great. Pureed and slathered over a pizza crust? Yum. Steeped in a... more »

Grant expands UNH tomato research

University of New Hampshire researchers have received a three-year grant for nearly $250,000 that will substantially expand research that aims to improve nutrient and pest management in high tunnel tomato production. The project is being... more »

New AgroFresh technology reduces transplant shock

AgroFresh Solutions has introduced its new LandSpring product, a 1-Methylcyclopropene technology for use on transplanted vegetable seedlings. LandSpring reduces transplant shock resulting in lower seedling mortality and faster crop establishment, according to the company. LandSpring... more »

Tomatoes see ripening problems in high tunnels

May was a very cool, cloudy and wet month, which is having all kinds of repercussions now and into the summer for field crops. Gordon Johnson and Kate Everts talked about some of these vegetable... more »

Diseases challenge Louisiana tomato season

LSU AgCenter plant pathologist Raj Singh has never seen so many different diseases of tomatoes in one season. Singh, known as the LSU AgCenter plant doctor because he’s director of the Plant Diagnostic Center, said... more »

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