Great American Media Services
Saturday, February 1
Breeder calls for tastier tomatoes in diverse locales

Consumers crave tasty tomatoes, but the trick comes in growing flavorful fruit in different environments, said University of Florida Professor Emeritus Jay Scott.

Genetically engineered moth could protect crops

A new study reports a successful, first-ever open-field release of a self-limiting, genetically engineered diamondback moth, stating that it paves the way for an effective and sustainable approach to pest control.

Study examines root rot in hydroponic leafy greens

The University of Connecticut Greenhouse Research & Extension team is conducting a study in root rot of hydroponically-grown leafy greens.

BrightFarms opens largest-yet greenhouse

The new 280,000 sq. ft. farm in Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, will deliver over 2 million pounds of fresh, local produce year-round in Pennsylvania and the tri-state area.

Efforts underway to stop leafy greens outbreaks

The leafy greens community, government regulators and the entire produce industry continue efforts on multiple fronts to prevent future outbreaks.

Signing of USMCA welcomed by ag secretary

“Canada and Mexico are our first- and second-largest export markets for United States food and agricultural products, totaling more than $39.7 billion food and agricultural exports in 2018.”