Jan 25, 2022A preventative approach for protecting against harmful nematodes
(Sponsored) With very few control options on the market for harmful nematodes, many growers focus on preventive measures to ensure they won’t have problems with root knot, root lesion or other problematic nematodes often present in soil throughout the growing season.
Since nematodes can overwinter underground in fragments of vegetative crop roots, it is important for growers to properly prepare soil prior to spring fumigation.
Preventing harmful nematodes requires an integrated pest management strategy, utilizing all tools available, to manage current nematode damaging populations. To better understand the ideal methodology for preparing soil prior to fumigant application, we talked with Dr. John Washington. John is a plant pathologist with an MS in nematology who works with vegetative crops and orchards around the world, with special emphasis on soil fumigation and soil health.
IPM strategy steps for managing harmful nematodes in vegetative crops
To achieve quality results, here are recommendations that vegetable growers should consider when protecting their crops from these damaging organisms:
- Test the soil. Take samples and work with a quality lab or local university to find out what your field’s nematode pressure looks like.
- Soil rip. After harvesting crops at the end of the season, use a field shank to break up soil at least 10” deep.
- Remove previous plant material. Remove any root debris, eliminating the places where harmful nematodes can survive through the winter.
- Thoroughly till soil. Ensure that all clods are broken up to prepare soil for not only a good seal for fumigation, but also to promote young root establishment.
- Fumigate. Use a pre-plant fumigant such as Telone™ II in a broadcast application, which can help prevent future hotspots. Telone™ II can also be applied in a dual application with other fumigants, depending on the historical weed or disease pressure in the field be treated. Dual applications can save labor costs and precious time. A Telone & Chloropicrin combination is also a winner for growers concerned about harmful nematodes and bacterial issues — and an “ideal combination” according to Washington.
- Ongoing IPM strategy. Application of Telone™ II should be done prior to planting each season, based on the concentration of nematodes identified in each field (or in the fall in areas with colder temperatures). Due to nematodes biology and behavior, nematodes are more active in the upper several feet of soil within warmer soils, which supports a fall fumigant application, especially with northern states which have much colder winters. This allows for great suppression of damaging nematodes, and does not delay spring planting dates.
Fumigation timing and soil health
For those in the northern U.S. with a hard freeze or late spring thaw, preparing the soil and treating with fumigant in the fall offers the same advantages as a spring application in warmer climates. However, if a Chloropicrin broadcast is planned for pre-plant or if the field will receive fumigant for the first time, spring is an ideal time to apply.
Teleos AG Solutions – For superior fumigation training and support in the field, work with an expert at Teleos. Telone Specialists are available in key geographies to assist with your product needs, questions, proper handling and calibration, to name a few. Please utilize the Teleos website to locate a Telone Specialist nearest you.
Utilizing Telone as a foundational tool will help preserve the soil’s microbiome against damaging nematode and insect pests, while providing the protection crops need for top yields and quality.
About Telone™ II
Telone™ is a Trademark of the Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. Telone is a federally Restricted Use Pesticide. Always read and follow label directions.
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