Dec 8, 2020
Clearinghouse for organic farmer education set by Organic Farmers Association

The Organic Farmers Association (OFA) announced Dec. 8 it is launching a National Clearinghouse for Organic Farmer Education that highlights online education available to organic growers across the country and beyond.

Organic Farmers Association builds and supports a strong farmer-led national organic farmer movement and national policy platform led by organic farmers. OFA organization members include some of the best organic farm organizations across the country.

Organic Farmers Association builds and supports a strong farmer-led national organic farmer movement and national policy platform led by organic farmers. OFA organization members include some of the best organic farm organizations across the country.

“OFA member-organizations have exceptional educational programs; we have put all of these educational opportunities in one interactive national calendar. The pandemic has provided a few silver linings, and universal online education is one of those. Now organic farmers have incredible access to innovative organic farmers from the entire country,” says Kate Mendenhall, Director of OFA.

Organic Farmers Association launches the National Clearinghouse for Organic Farmer Education just at the beginning of the winter conference season. Typically, farmers attend their state or regional organic farm conference in person, but because of the pandemic, these conferences have shifted to an online platform.

“The cost of travel and the time needed to attend a winter organic farm conference in person just isn’t the same this year. This is an opportunity for farmers to attend their regular conference and a conference they may have always dreamed about but haven’t had the time or travel budget to make happen,” says David Colson, Maine organic farmer and President of Organic Farmers Association.

Farmers learn best from other farmers, which is why these educational events are so successful. OFA organic farm organizations highlight innovative organic farmers in their region so their members can learn new techniques farmer-to-farmer.

“I’m excited to look at the winter conference season with new eyes this year,” says organic farmer Abby Lundrigan of Turner Farm in Cincinnati, Ohio. “I still plan to attend my local OEFFA conference in Ohio but there are some other really great conferences in other parts of the country I have never had the chance to attend. You can learn a lot by seeing what is happening in another part of the country and I’m excited to do that this year!”

Organic farmers can view the online calendar by visiting the National Clearinghouse for Organic Farmer Education at Organizations can include their events by joining Organic Farmers Association..

Organic Farmers Association is fiscally supported by Rodale Institute, the global leader in regenerative organic agriculture.

The mission of the Organic Farmers Association is to provide a strong and unified national voice for domestic certified organic producers. With the purpose to build and support a farmer-led national organic farmer movement and national policy platform by developing and advocating policies that benefit organic farmers; strengthening and supporting the capacity of organic farmers and farm organizations; and supporting collaboration and leadership among state, regional and national organic farmer organizations.



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