Sep 8, 2016
United Fresh to offer preventive controls training program

United Fresh has created the Preventive Controls for Human Food Qualified Individual Training Program. Using model plans created by a team of experts convened by United Fresh, and with an emphasis on the food safety controls important to packinghouses, this training program is tailored for facilities that are required to have a food safety plan under the Preventive Controls Rule, but are not traditional “processors.”

The course, offered Oct. 4-6 in Orlando, Florida; Nov. 7-9 in Fresno, California; and Nov. 14-16 in Salinas, California, uses the Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance (FSPCA) training curriculum focused on facilities that pack and/or hold raw agricultural commodities (e.g. packinghouse operations) so they can develop food safety plans that are in compliance with the Preventive Controls for Human Food rule. The regulation requires that certain activities must be completed by a “preventive controls qualified individual.”

This course, developed by FSPCA, is the “standardized curriculum” recognized by FDA; successfully completing this course is one way to meet the requirements for a “preventive controls qualified individual.”

The training sessions will be taught by FSPCA lead instructors and will be of specific value to packinghouse operations.

To register for any one of the three course dates listed above, visit For more information about the trainings, call Erin Grether at 202-303-3402 or Jennifer McEntire at 202-303-3419.

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