Apr 7, 2007Letters to the Editor
Energy Policy Article Rings True
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read your editorial “We’re paying the price of poor energy policy”, because I just assumed it would one more muddle-headed chemical-welfare farmer market piece, religious, flag waving, “we’re better people” thing.
But did I get a surprise. What a wonderful piece of written verbiage.
I watch Agday now and then and, to me, the program is driven by the Chicago Board of Trade, and all of this false hope that is thrown at the subsidy-farmers to use more Roundup Ready crops, produce more and more, and then hope there will be a market, and then remarket and remarket the remarkets using the stock market. It’s crazy. And now they are on this thing of corn and vegetable oil filling the void of gas and diesel, thus, fulfilling the new great hope of American mega-farming.
In the meanwhile, we are watching the sky falling again from the White House and being told that if the world has a bird flu epidemic, world food supplies will be cut to American along with everything else.
We have the technology to grow food locally, store it, and then distribute it. Your magazine focuses on this possibility, and apparently your readership is with you. So wonderful that someone had made the connection of food, politics and global warming in a trade magazine, and can present it so well.
I’m not going to ramble, but just say thank you for the surprise piece you wrote, one I shall share with family, friends and editors.
Andrew R. Gantenbein
Stevensville, Mich.
Hurricanes Affect All
Katrina will affect produce in Mississippi very much. We at Agreaux Organics Inc. have organic customers in Mississippi and Louisiana that were completely wiped out.
The salt water that came ashore will infiltrate the soil, making it impossible to grow there until the salt content has greatly decreased.
Freeda Crawford
Agreaux Organics Inc.