Jun 18, 2021
25 years of service to Georgia’s produce industry marked by GFVGA

Georgia Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association is commemorating 25 years of service and advocacy to the Georgia produce industry.

GFVGA will recognize this milestone on Aug. 21 at the UGA Tifton Conference Center with a reception, dinner, awards program and dance.

The celebration event will not only commemorate GFVGA’s 25 years of service to the industry, it will also recognize and honor those individuals, organizations and industry businesses that have given of their time and resources to help make GFVGA the voice of Georgia’s fruit and vegetable growers.

The celebration event will kick-off with a reception to honor the association’s past presidents. The evening banquet will feature in-season produce from growers across the state and a live auction to support the GFVGA Advocacy Fund, to help support the association’s efforts on legislative, regulatory and industry issues. The evening will be capped off with a dance, music provided by The Faze Band. Tickets will be available for purchase in mid-July.

The 25th Anniversary Presenting Sponsors for the event are Flint Ag and Turf, Georgia EMC, Lasseter Equipment and Syngenta.

Other sponsorships are available to growers and industry suppliers to help support the event and contribute to the GFVGA Advocacy Fund.

A watercolor painting of Georgia’s fruits and vegetables has been commissioned by artist Mark Ballard of Macon, Ga., to commemorate the milestone event. A gift highlighting this artwork will be given to all those attending the event.

“Twenty-five years of service to the industry is a tremendous milestone,” GFVGA President Drew Echols said. “We are excited to have this event Tifton — where GFVGA held it’s first meeting back in 1996 — and not only recognize, but continue to support the advocacy work GFVGA has done for our growers and this industry over the past 25 years for future generations of Georgia farmers.”

Cynde Dickey, Dickey Farms, Jessica Brim Kirk, Lewis Taylor Farms, and Sheila Calhoun Rice, Calhoun Produce are co-chairing the 25th anniversary event planning committee.

Since its inception, GFVGA has represented growers and has provided a voice for Georgia and Southeastern fruit and vegetable growers, providing programs and services to the membership designed to increase production efficiencies, provide educational opportunities, promote new markets, monitor legislation, encourage applied research and improve communications among GFVGA members and industry suppliers.

Click here for more information.

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