Jun 30, 2022APHIS extends comment period on five-year plan
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is giving farmers and other industry stakeholders another month to comment on a five-year strategic plan for the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
APHIS extended its comment period to July 31 after requests from stakeholders.

“APHIS appreciates insights from all stakeholders and is looking forward to reviewing and considering these insights as we finalize the new strategic plan,” according to a USDA news release. “We expect to finalize and publish the new strategic plan this fall and will post it on the APHIS website.”
A strategic plan framework summarizes the draft plan and provides highlights, including the mission and vision statements, core values, strategic goals and objectives, and trends or signals of change expected to influence the agency’s work, according to APHIS.
Specifically, the USDA is asking:
- Are your interests represented in the plan?
- Are there opportunities for APHIS to partner with others to achieve the goals and objectives?
- Are there other trends for which the agency should be preparing?
- Are there additional items APHIS should consider for the plan?
To review the strategic plan framework and provide insights, visit: https://www.regulations.gov/docket/APHIS-2022-0035