Apr 22, 2022
New class of food, ag and natural resources leaders named by LeadNY

LeadNY, Cornell’s leadership development academy, has announced its 2022-23 cohort of leaders in the food, agriculture and natural resources sectors of the Northeast. The new cohort is the largest in the 40-year history of the program.

LeadNY prepares adult professionals for leadership roles through seminars, workshops, and field travel experiences both in and out of New York State, including a study trip. The second year of the program focuses on national and international issues analyses, critical thinking, developing a “world view” and refining each member’s leadership philosophy.

For the first time in the program’s history – due to a pause in program operations during the pandemic — two Leadership Fundamentals classes will be merged for their year two Fellows experience.

“Both Class 18 and Class 19 participants had very successful Leadership Fundamentals experiences, developing leadership skills, enhancing their self-awareness, and learning about the food, agriculture and natural resource sectors in New York State” said Larry Van De Valk, executive director of the program. “Our Fellows will now turn their attention beyond our borders in the second year of the program, learning more about national and international policy issues, trade, and global food systems.” These Fellows will travel to Puerto Rico for their study tour in February 2023.


Auwaerter, John (Bayport Flower Houses)
Bathel, Trevor (CoBank)
Bittner, David (Bittner Singer Orchards)
Bitz, Karl (CNY Feeds)
Chan, David (FarmTogether)
Ciardi, Renee (NYFB)
Decker, Jessica (Bonduelle)
Demander, Lars (Clover Nook Farm)
Downes, Kate (NYFarmNet)
Feeney London, Kim (SUNY Adirondack)
Giarratano, Victoria (Cornell Cooperative Extension)
Hamilton, Leslie (Triple H Farms)
Henesy, Jessica (NYSDAM)
Irwin, Lucas (CaroVail)
Kelder, John (Kelder’s Farm)
Kimmich, Richard (Dairy Farmers of America)
Kingston, Jerome (Seneca Foods)
Klein, Colleen (NY Corn & Soybean Growers Assoc.)
Meehan, Heather (Quail Hill Farm)
Noble-Wolfley, Kathleen (Ever.Ag)
Patterson, David (Foodbank of the Southern Tier)
Pinckney, Matt (Syngenta)
Raway, Julie (Broome-Tioga BOCES)
Reeves, Nolan (Reeves Farms)
Roberts, Olu (Bright Farms)
Schiano, Steven (S.E. Schiano Logging)
Skellie, Madeline (Farm Journal Foundation)
Slade, Marty (AHDC, CVM Cornell)
Space, Callan (Millbrook Farms)
Spencer, Shirley (Farm Credit East)
Spiers, Jolie (CCE Livingston County)
St. Jacques, Renée (NYFB)
Swarthout, Emma (ADA Northeast)
Toussaint, Matt (Toussaint Farms)
Trombly, Kim (NYFB)
Wall, Chad (NYSDAM)
Wells, Matt (NY Apple Sales)
Worden, Hannah (ABS Global)
Xavier, Bruno (Cornell Food Venture Center)
LeadNY is a leadership development program for adult professionals in the food, agriculture and natural resource sectors of the Northeast. It consists of seminars, workshops, and field travel experiences both in and out of New York State, including an international study trip. The second year of the program focuses on national and international issues analyses, critical thinking, developing a “world view” and refining each member’s leadership philosophy.

Recruitment for LeadNY’s 20th cohort will begin fall 2022, and applications will be available in January 2023. Applications will be due by March 1, 2023.

For more information, contact Andrea Durmiaki, Program Assistant of LeadNY via email or at 607-255-7907. Additional information is also available on the LeadNY website at www.leadny.org.

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