Watermelon grower Sarah Frey’s entrepreneurship, advocacy recognized
From a 16-year-old selling watermelons from a pickup truck to the head of a large, family-run vegetable farm operation and respected voice in the fresh produce industry, Sarah Frey’s come a long way. Frey, who... more »
Melon and watermelon: Less water consumption, better uniformity of plants
Melon and watermelon are among the most cultivated fruits in the world but, at the same time, professional producers must face various obstacles to obtain satisfactory results, first of all the high summer temperatures and... more »
Enza Zaden hosts Melon House Fair with customized visits, online access
Melon House Fair 2020 is well-known as an inspirational space for all melon professionals; a space to share knowledge and insights about the market and check the latest news of our portfolio. This year, Enza... more »
Northeast growers monitor diseases following dry June
June proved to be a dry month across much of Pennsylvania and the Northeast region except for a few areas around Harrisburg and Scranton that received normal to slight above-normal precipitation. The average precipitation across... more »
Managing cucurbit diseases with research, outreach
Michigan agriculture boasts more than 300 commodities, giving it a richness and diversity surpassed only by California in the U.S. Specialty crops – fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, nursery crops and floricultural crops – are an... more »
Georgia watermelon season peaks this week
Now just a few short weeks away from July 4, the Georgia watermelon harvest season is nearing its peak production time. “Now is the time to go visit your grocery store or local farmers market... more »
Fisher Ranch uses AgroFresh’s technology to get high-quality melons
AgroFresh Solutions Inc., a producer of freshness solutions, and family-owned grower and shipper Fisher Ranch recently partnered to deliver melons from California to global markets using SmartFresh technology. According to a news release, with the... more »
2020 Georgia watermelon season kicks off June 3
The 2020 Georgia watermelon crop is expected to have the crisp, sweet flavor and high quality unique to Georgia watermelon. According to a news release, while Georgia has had a relatively cool spring, consumers should... more »