Jul 18, 2018
International Asparagus Days set for Oct. 16-18 in Italy

As many as 210,000 hectares of green, white, and violet asparagus are grown worldwide: as far as extra-European countries are concerned, the main producers are China (57,000 ha), Peru (20,000 ha), and Mexico (20,000 ha); as for Europe, asparagus cultivation is mainly concentrated in Germany (19,000 ha), Spain (14,000 ha), and Italy (9,000 ha). This cultivation has a great potential, as it is estimated that 60,000 more hectares will be required to meet future demand.

Cesena Fiera, together with the Italian expert Luciano Trentini and with the French consultant Christian Befve, decided to bet on this product organizing an international event entirely dedicated to asparagus, Oct. 16-18 in Cesena, Italy: International Asparagus Days, a world forum on the whole asparagus sector.

“International Asparagus Days is an eventcovering all the stages of the asparagus production chain up to the point of sale,” said Luciano Trentini, one of the promoters of the event. “The event will be made up of four parts: the exhibition, field demonstrations, technical visits, and an extensive program of high-level conferences.”

On Oct. 16-17, there will be an exhibition with companies from all over the world operating in the asparagus sector: from seeds, crowns and plants up to the manufacturing of machinery and technologies for sowing, transplanting, harvesting and packaging.

“In particular, the exhibitors producing machinery and equipment will be able to present their innovations in an area made up of both greenhouses and open field specifically created for this event next to the exhibition halls. There, thanks to a series of live field demonstrations, it will be possible to observe the functioning of transplanters, soil machines, harvesters, etc.,” Trentini said.

On Oct. 16-17, there will also be an extensive program of high-level conferences: speakers from all over the world will talk about agronomic, commercial, and technical aspects, focusing in particular on low environmental impact techniques. Furthermore, the exhibiting companies and especially the sponsors will have the chance to present the public with their productive and commercial activities.

Finally, on Oct. 18, it will be possible to take part in technical visits to some production facilities in Emilia Romagna and Veneto, where white and green asparagus are produced.

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