Disease Control

Are hydrogen peroxide products effective fungicides?

From Clemson University Plant Pathologist Tony Keinath. Should products with hydrogen peroxide, alone or combined with peroxyacetic acid, be used like fungicides on vegetables? It’s difficult to give just one answer to this question because... more »

Botanical-based biofungicide expands with Botanical Solution, Syngenta link

Botanical Solution Inc.  and Syngenta, two companies which are closely aligned in their commitment to innovation and sustainability in agriculture, have reached an agreement to commercialize BSI’s first product in Peru and Mexico. The two companies... more »

Processing squash makes phytophthora a big threat

Squash grown for processing is in contact with the ground for a long time. “Processing squash has a longer time in the field than other cucurbits because of its longer time to maturity,” said Mary... more »

Susceptibility factors in the fungal infections of ripe tomatoes viewed

Each year, roughly 25% of the fruits and veggies produced across the globe are lost due to fungal diseases. In fleshy fruits, like tomatoes, this issue is more pronounced, especially as they ripen. Researchers from... more »

Label expansion means more crops to benefit from  Asperello T34 

The biofungicide Asperello  T34 Biocontrol has been granted label expansion in the US to cover an array of field-grown and protected crops. “Growers from across the U.S. had waited patiently for this,” Veronica Cervantes, Biobest... more »

Timorex Act organic biofungicide is now registered throughout Mexico

STK bio-ag technologies, Israel’s innovative leader in botanical-based organic and hybrid solutions for sustainable agriculture and aquaculture, announces that Timorex Act organic biofungicide is now registered throughout Mexico, with Syngenta as the exclusive distributor. According... more »

Additional crop registrations OK’d for BASF’s Cevya fungicide

Cevya fungicide recently received EPA registration on additional crop groups including berries, cucurbits and bulb, fruiting and root vegetables. Cevya fungicide previously received EPA registration on stone and pome fruit, grapes, and tree nuts. Cevya... more »

Biotalys has biocontrol for growers to combat major disease

Biotalys, a transformative food and crop protection company, announced Jan. 21 that it has submitted its first protein-based biocontrol, Evoca, to the EPA in the United States for approval. Pending EPA registration, this biocontrol will... more »

Current Issue

Vegetable Growers News July/August 2024 cover image

Spraying tech

FIRA preview

Labor challenges persist in the fruit and vegetable growing world

A&M Farms’ embrace of tech

Veg connections: Cover crops

GLEXPO preview

Ag Labor Review

Farm Market & Agritourism

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