Filling the labor gap: more Michigan growers hiring H-2A workers
Michigan growers are taking the plunge into H-2A, and don’t appear to be turning back. It started with a pilot project in 2014, when four apple orchards hired 90 pickers. By 2015, Michigan Farm Bureau,... more »
Farm labor harder to find than it was 50 years ago
Five decades ago, there was a sea change in the world of agricultural labor – and ag employers are still feeling the ripples today. It started in 1960, when CBS aired “Harvest of Shame.” The... more »
Poster requirements can be daunting for employers
Employers must often keep up with a variety of required government posters at their orchards, farms or other places of business, which can be daunting at times. Private poster services can be helpful by selling... more »
New worker protection rules impact farm, greenhouse workers
Owners of farms, forests, nurseries and greenhouses that use pesticides in agricultural plant production will have to implement additional safeguards for their pesticide handlers and agricultural workers under a revision to the Worker Protection Standard.... more »
EPA updates ag worker pesticide rules
EPA has revised the 1992 Agricultural Worker Protection Standard (WPS) regulation, which seeks to protect agricultural workers and pesticide handlers from injury or illness resulting from contact with pesticides. “We depend on farm workers every... more »
Hiring labor for your farm? Use the Agricultural Employer Checklist
Agricultural employers of labor in Michigan have a newly updated tool in the form of the Agricultural Employer Checklist, which was revised Oct. 1, 2015 and updated by Stan Moore, Adam Kantrovich, Corey Risch and John Jones of Michigan State University Extension. The... more »
Labor shortages documented during California harvest
This year, California farmers planted fewer acres and let go of hundreds of farm workers. But despite the downsizing, labor shortages are being reported across the state. Here’s more from the Sierra Sun Times: ... more »
Ready Pac Foods to provide job opportunities for Syrian refugees
Ready Pac Foods opened its employment doors for refugees relocating to the United States from the current crisis in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. The fresh foods company has committed to train and hire refugees from among the 10,000 Syrian refugees expected... more »