
What does removing the covers for a winter do?

Soil in high tunnels isn't exposed to the elements like soil in the field is, and if the plastic is kept on the tunnels for multiple winters, little leaching takes place. Thus, nutrients and salts... more »

OMRI certification of the organic biopesticide Mycotrol O expires

Mycotrol O is a biopesticide with the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana as the active ingredient. Beauveria bassiana is pathogenic to a wide range of arthropod pests and I have used both Mycotrol O and the... more »

Research on stink bug damage to sweet corn may help growers manage them

Cooperative Extension agents and researchers at the University of Delaware are taking a closer look at how brown marmorated stink bugs (Halyomorpha halys) are causing damage to developing ears of sweet corn, the results of... more »

Cultivate Michigan initiative promotes peppers by hosting field trip

Sweet and spicy Michigan peppers are a highly nutritious and versatile vegetable for individuals and institutional food service staff alike. They boast high nutritional value, an abundance of varieties and uses, and summertime availability. A... more »

Dutch company offers asparagus weighing machine

Christiaens Agro Systems, a Dutch company, is offering a weighing machine for making asparagus packages.The machine consists of a line with a conveyor belt and a packaging apparatus. The line weighs every single spear and... more »

Michigan brown marmorated stink bug report

In the eighth week of monitoring, 10 brown marmorated stink bug(BMSB) nymphs and zero adults were collected from three traps out of the 60 being monitored in the major fruit production regions and nearby urban... more »

National Kale Day scheduled for October 7

This year will mark the third annual National Kale Day on Oct. 7.In recent years, kale's popularity has grown in both supermarkets and on restaurant menus. In fact, Whole Foods Market now buys and sells... more »

Winter killed cover crops for vegetable cropping systems

Cover crops that put on significant growth in the fall and then die during the winter can be very useful tools for vegetable cropping systems. These winter killed cover crops add organic matter, recycle nutrients,... more »

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