Sep 7, 2022California accepting pollinator grant applications
The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is accepting grant applications for the Pollinator Habitat Program (PHP), administered by its Office of Environmental Farming and Innovation.
The 12-week application period opened Aug. 31 and closes at 5 p.m. Pacific on Nov. 23.
Pollinators are essential to many of California’s agricultural crops and to the vast biodiversity of the state’s natural ecosystems. The Pollinator Habitat Program’s primary objective is to support pollinators through the provision of floral resources, host plants, and other elements of suitable habitat. The program is designed to help strengthen pollinator populations and improve pollinator health. Projects funded through the PHP can be expected to have additional benefits to California’s biodiversity and agricultural production.
The program was established by the Budget Act of 2021. An appropriation of $15 million to CDFA will provide grant funding for the establishment of pollinator habitats on agricultural lands throughout California.
Eligible entities can apply for up to $2 million in PHP grants to work with farmers and ranchers to install pollinator habitat on agricultural lands throughout California. Eligible entities include Resource Conservation Districts, non-profits, Tribes and California public higher learning institutions. For more information about eligibility and a full list of eligible applicants and funded pollinator practices, visit the program website at
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