
Variable rate irrigation patent earned by Valley

The invention makes it easier and faster for growers to manage their irrigation in response to the varying needs of the crop.

US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement advances

Canada and Mexico are the first- and second-largest export markets for United States food and agricultural products, totaling more than $39.7 billion food and agricultural exports in 2018.

Dr. Oz talks romaine and recommends iceberg

The Dr. Oz Show recently aimed to address salad safety, a current concern for many consumers. Dr. Oz is a big advocate for including leafy greens and lettuce in your diet and wants to make sure that his viewers, more than one million U.S. households,... more

First class of Produce Safety Immersion Program named by United Fresh

United Fresh Produce Association is pleased to announce the Class One Fellows of the inaugural Produce Safety Immersion Program, sponsored by Renaissance Food Group at the gold level, and Ecolab as a silver sponsor. The 15 fellows will begin their jo... more

Mark Douglas to succeed Pierre Brondeau as FMC president and CEO

FMC Corp.'s  board of directors has elected Mark Douglas as president and chief executive officer of FMC, effective June 1, 2020.  Pierre Brondeau will continue to serve as chairman and CEO through May 31, 2020, at which time he will become executi... more

Survey shows 2018 berry prices in New York state

Producers were asked to list the prices they received during the 2018 season for four major berry crops – strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries.

Drones impact modern sustainable ag

In advocating the need for more research, the authors say that drones are becoming an important part of precision pest management, from detecting pests to controlling them.

Current Issue

VGN April Cover

Tech allows growers to ‘eavesdrop’ on insects

Managing wildlife on the farm

Southwest Florida’s Worden Farm manages challenges

Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association says farewell to leader

Southeast Regional Show recognizes leaders

Veg Connections: Biopesticides and beneficial insects

Business: Why do most succession plans fail?

60 years of advocating for agricultural employers

Keeping CSA members engaged and loyal

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