VGN readership survey

Apr 25, 2024
Vegetable Growers News seeks reader feedback

Vegetable growers, what are your biggest concerns right now?

Vegetable Growers News is seeking feedback from specialty crop growers on the biggest issues they’re facing and what topics they’re most interested in learning more about.

The short survey covers a variety of topics, including labor, technology, biologicals and cover crops.

Vegetable Growers News FGN


As a thank you, those that respond can enter into a raffle for a $50 VISA gift card.

The information will assist us in covering the industry and provide you with the information you need and want to help run your business successfully.

Thank you for your time and continued readership. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

<<Click here to take the survey>>


Current Issue

VGN April Cover

Tech allows growers to ‘eavesdrop’ on insects

Managing wildlife on the farm

Southwest Florida’s Worden Farm manages challenges

Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association says farewell to leader

Southeast Regional Show recognizes leaders

Veg Connections: Biopesticides and beneficial insects

Business: Why do most succession plans fail?

60 years of advocating for agricultural employers

Keeping CSA members engaged and loyal

see all current issue »

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