
Farmers Seek to Sell Skinnier Asparagus

Washington asparagus growers used to scoff at the thin, scrawny asparagus that South American growers would pack and ship to U.S. groceries and restaurants. Tri-City Herald more »

Asparagus Growers Threaten to Help Sink Andean Trade Agreement

By Dick Lehnert, Assistant Editor "It is our goal to sink the Andean Free Trade Agreement,” said Alan Schreiber, administrator of the Washington Asparagus Commission. “We are not at all convinced it is a done... more »

Michigan industry looks at 59-cent asparagus price

By Dick Lehnert, Assistant Editor Honee Bear Canning Co., Lawton, Mich., announced March 10 that it will sign contracts to buy Michigan asparagus for 59 cents a pound (on a delayed price basis) or 57... more »

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