
Haygrove Brit Tour: Day 2

Day two our our tour finds us at Cobrey Farms, the UK's largest asparagus operation. Grower John Chinn estimates that his farm grows 27 percent of the UK's asparagus crop, with 1,000 acres in the... more »

Haygrove Brit Tour: Day 1

The first official day of our tour took us to Ledbury, the location of Haygrove's headquarters. Crops grown on the site include strawberries, cherries, raspberries and blackberries. All of Haygrove's production is under high tunnels.... more »

Mechanization, imports might solve worker problem

The value of California's fruit, nut and vegetable crops was $20 billion in 2009, almost 60 percent of the state's farm sales of $35 billion. California dominates U.S. production of these crops and currently accounts... more »

Consider fall weed control on perennial crops

Fall application of residual herbicides is an effective method of use where the label allows it. Fall application is most effective on established perennial crops, such as tree fruit and small fruit. It may be... more »

Greenhouse transplants for asparagus production

Asparagus production in the U.S. was valued at over $90 million in 2010. Although almost every state produces some fresh market asparagus, California, Michigan, and Washington dominate large-scale commercial production of both fresh and processed... more »

Irrigation experiments continue at MSU asparagus field

At an experimental asparagus field in western Michigan, researchers and students are trying to find the best way to irrigate the perennial crop.The research being done on the 2.5-acre field in asparagus-rich Oceana County is... more »

Ag employers feel the pinch from E-Verify, state reforms

If you weren't familiar with E-Verify before, you're probably familiar with it now.E-Verify is an Internet-based system that compares information from an employee's I-9 form to data from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)... more »

Asparagus checks finally in the mail

USDA will issue approximately $15 million in payments for the Asparagus Revenue Market Loss Assistance Payment (ALAP) Program. Payments to asparagus producers approved for ALAP benefits began July 13.ALAP payments will partially compensate asparagus producers... more »

Michigan Asapargus Advisory Board members appointed

Governor Rick Snyder announced appointments to the Michigan Asparagus Marketing Advisory Board.The board is charged with developing and implementing a marketing program for Michigan's asparagus crop.Eric Herrygers is appointed and Sarah Greiner is reappointed.Eric Herrygers,... more »

New asparagus seed coming into production

According to a report given at the 2011 Oceana Asparagus Day in Hart, Mich., in March, there are going to be some changes in seed supply for the coming years.The major suppliers of asparagus seed... more »

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