Jul 18, 2018
Specialty crop priorities sought by Washington state ag officials

The Washington State Department of Agriculture’s Specialty Crop Block Grant Program is asking growers and industry workers to take part in a survey to identify top priorities for the program.

Participants are asked to select their top two priorities from the following list:

—Pest and Disease Control

—Develop and Enhance Domestic and International Markets

—Develop and Enhance Local and Regional Markets

—Develop New and Improved Seed and Crop Varieties

—Develop Organic and Sustainable Production Practices

—Implement “Good Agricultural Practices” and “Good Handling Practices”

—Implementation of the Food Safety Modernization Act

—Develop more Food Safety Training and Education

—Improve Production Practices through Innovative Technologies

—Increase the Nutritional Knowledge and Consumption of Specialty Crops

—Preserve/Increase Farmland

—Preserve/Increase Water Availability


Survey responses are due by July 31.

The survey and more information is available through Washington State University Extension at https://us13.campaign-archive.com/?u=2eff8714011ff4bfba18a0704&id=1a3ea87734

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