Michigan ag Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development MDARD

Jan 23, 2020
Senior environmental policy advisor role at MDARD goes to Neyhart

Josh Neyhart, former policy advisor for Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, is joining the team at the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) effective Monday, Feb. 10 as the senior environmental policy advisor to MDARD Director Gary McDowell.

Neyhart will assist and advise the department in planning, coordinating and ensuring steps are taken to implement environmental initiatives affecting MDARD and Michigan’s $104.7 billion food and agriculture industry. Michigan’s farming and agriculture communities are committed to adopting practices to protect the state’s prized natural resources.

Neyhart will work on key issues such as improving water quality in the Western Lake Erie Basin, nutrient run-off, and climate change, as well as advise the director on developing policy recommendations.

Neyhart, a Lansing resident, holds a Bachelor of Arts Political Science from Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania.

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