
Fresh produce use up in $29B pet food industry

As people food goes, pet food is following. Just as trends show consumers wanting products made with fresh ingredients, pet owners are also becoming more discerning about what they feed their animals. Enter fresh produce. Dana Brooks, presid... more

Growers try new drip irrigation products, techniques

Drip irrigation has been used to conserve water for decades, but technology is empowering growers to take increasingly complex approaches to irrigation. The upsides to drip irrigation are obvious to most growers – it not only conserves water com... more

High tunnels use grows in Mid-Atlantic region

In 1998, when Mike Orzolek and myself founded the Penn State Center for High Tunnel Research and Education, we were building on the excellent research and Extension work already conducted by Otho Wells, University of New Hampshire. In recent conve... more

Revolution Farms reforms practices to stay strong

Revolution Farms is showing how dynamic a startup growing operation can be in order to meet its goals. The farm in Caledonia, Michigan, harvested its first greens in October 2018, and growers say the greens are being well-received. Originally conc... more

Nitrogen boosts late-summer cover crops

Cover crops can play an important role in promoting the health and fertility of agricultural soils. In addition to adding organic matter, cover crops have the potential to provide a number of services that can benefit a following vegetable crop, incl... more

Blight Control: Can a fertilizer be a fungicide’s best friend?

(Sponsored) It’s a question many growers and agronomists have been asking for a long time –– do some nutrient products bring something to the party when it comes to disease control? The role plant nutrients play in plant health has often ha... more

Pathogens in asparagus crowns researched

Cleaner crowns are a way to avoid rot in asparagus crowns, stems and roots, and identifying the fungi on the plants may help manage those pathogens. A new study by Michigan State University (MSU) is examining the role pathogens play in limiting aspa... more

Current Issue

VGN April Cover

Tech allows growers to ‘eavesdrop’ on insects

Managing wildlife on the farm

Southwest Florida’s Worden Farm manages challenges

Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association says farewell to leader

Southeast Regional Show recognizes leaders

Veg Connections: Biopesticides and beneficial insects

Business: Why do most succession plans fail?

60 years of advocating for agricultural employers

Keeping CSA members engaged and loyal

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