Soil Nutrition

Community compost, food waste reduction benefit from USDA program

USDA announced May 17 the availability of up to $2 million for local governments to host Community Compost and Food Waste Reduction (CCFWR) pilot projects for fiscal year 2021. The cooperative agreements support projects that... more »

Nitrogen management series offered by University of California

The University of California has opened registration for a seven-part video course on nitrogen management. The series, taught by UC researchers and extension specialists, begins May 10. The course is open to anyone interested nitrogen... more »

Earth Day: Growers understand that the soil is the foundation for everything

For those of us fortunate to be working in the agriculture industry, our everyday is Earth Day. We have a connection to the earth unlike any other. Almost all... more »

$21.7M allocated to help ag producers manage impacts of climate change

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced April 21 that the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture will invest at least $21.7 million in several key programs to help agricultural producers manage the impacts of climate... more »

Soil Judging Team collaborates with NASA in ‘Plant the Moon’ challenge

Jaclyn Fiola reached down to a cluster of seedlings growing in black pots and checked the chlorophyl levels of the recently sprouted radishes in one of Virginia Tech’s greenhouses. The meter showed that all was... more »

Before laying plastic, check the soil pH

Mid-April is when plastic mulch laying starts for many of our summer crops. Each year we see problems with low bed pH under plastic mulch. This can result in a range of problems including poor... more »

Louisiana State University AgCenter forum focuses on healthy soil

The soil that supports crops and lies beneath our feet was the main topic of a soil health forum held at the Louisiana State University AgCenter Northeast Research Station March 17. The forum was supported... more »

Plant petiole sap testing for vegetable crops outlined

Various nitrate and potassium "quick-test" kits for vegetable plant sap-testing have been calibrated for use on Florida vegetables. The objective has been to find a system that growers can use in the field to help... more »

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