Farm Management

Colorado launches ag lending program

The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) has launched a program that offers financing to farmers, ranchers and businesses that support agriculture in an effort to make access more equitable. The Colorado Agricultural Future Loan Program... more »

USDA seeks nominations for NASS advisory committee

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is seeking nominations to the Advisory Committee on Agriculture Statistics. Members of this committee advise the secretary of agriculture on the scope, timing and content... more »

Locati Farms counters higher costs, supply shortages

Locati Farms, a Walla Walla, Washington, sweet onion grower, adapts to challenges by changing growing practices and using technology to improve the quality of the region’s namesake onion. For more than a century, Locati Farms... more »

Tanimura & Antle celebrates 40th anniversary

On Nov. 10, 1982, two families who migrated to the Salinas Valley chasing the California dream shook hands and established a company that would impact the fresh produce and agriculture industry forever. Built upon a... more »

 UF AI center to push boundaries of ag research

The scientist called the grower with a proposition: Let me fly a drone over your grove and you’ll be able to see how many trees you have, and even the size of individual canopies. Alex... more »

Western Growers elects board, honors John Harris

Western Growers recognized John Harris with its 2022 Award of Honor and elected new members to its board of directors during its annual meeting in Las Vegas. The meeting, Nov. 2-5, included an award ceremony... more »

Reserve your spot on the EXPO Farm Market Bus Tour

The Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Market EXPO is near, which means it’s time to register for the annual Farm Market Bus Tour. Six educational stops await tour participants on Monday, Dec. 5, the... more »

Purdue ag economy barometer falls

The Purdue University/CME Group Ag Economy Barometer declined again, dropping as a result of weakened farmer sentiment. The measurement fell 10 points in October to a reading of 102. Both barometer’s sub-indices also declined. The... more »

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