Why are my cucurbits wilting?
This season has been rough on cucurbit crops across the state and many growers are seeing cucurbits wilting in their fields. There are a number of diseases like bacterial wilt, cucurbit yellow vine decline and... more »
Sakata Seed develops Infinite Gold melon
Sakata Seed America unveiled a new variety of cantaloupe called Infinite Gold. Bred through traditional breeding practices, Infinite Gold LSL (Long Shelf Life) melon offers long shelf life, high-yield potential and infinite flavor, according to... more »
Late blight, downy mildew confirmed on East Coast
On Monday, late blight was confirmed in two tomato fields in Morris County in Northern New Jersey. These are the first reports on tomato in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions.Previous reports, the closest of which... more »
Downy mildew on cucumbers detected in key areas of Michigan
It looks as though Michigan is on track for a difficult downy mildew year.This highly destructive and difficult to manage disease has now been documented in three regions of the state including Monroe, Gratiot and... more »
Cucumber downy mildew makes an early appearance in Michigan
Cucumber downy mildew has been confirmed on cucumber leaves in Michigan. Downy mildew disease is incited by a microorganism calledPseudoperonospora cubensis and is a highly destructive foliar disease of cucurbit vegetables. In Michigan, cucumbers, watermelons... more »
UD scientist finds potential cause of hollow heart disorder in watermelons
Hollow heart disorder in watermelons affects growers throughout the United States and threatens the marketability of the fruit, which can lead to monetary losses.Trying to find a cause and possible solution for the disorder, the... more »
Maintain quality during postharvest handling
Successful marketing of fresh fruits and vegetables depends on maintaining the quality through harvest and beyond.Marita Cantwell, postharvest specialist at the University of California, Davis, said in a presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Fruit & Vegetable... more »
Nimitz receives Michigan exemption for carrots
Raleigh, North Carolina-based Adama issued a news release April 27 stating the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) has issued a Crisis Exemption under Section 18 of FIFRA for use of Nimitz 480... more »