Marketing, sales associate joins horticultural supplier Dramm
The Dramm Corp. has added Noah Dramm Becker as a marketing and sales associate. In his role, Becker will work primarily with the company’s commercial products and water management teams in content creation, website management,... more »
EPA amends wetlands protection rules
In response to a recent Supreme Court decision, the EPA has removed federal protection for a majority of U.S. wetlands. The new rule amending the 2023 definition of “waters of the United States” will take... more »
Registration opens for MSU organic farmer training program
Michigan State University (MSU) is accepting applications for the 2024 Organic Farmer Training Program (OFTP). The registration deadline is Feb. 21 for the MSU Department of Horticulture’s program. The OFTP brings together farmworkers, aspiring farmers,... more »
New UC studies estimate production costs for coastal lettuce, broccoli
Help for estimating costs and potential returns for growing lettuce and broccoli is now available for California Central Coast growers and others. Four new cost studies for lettuce and broccoli grown in Santa Cruz, San... more »
Sustainability capabilities added into Highland Hub
Highland Ag Solutions is expanding sustainability efforts through integrating the Sustainability Standard from Sustainable Food Group (SFG) into its Highland Hub software platform. The integration is designed to provide Highland's customers comprehensive sustainability features and... more »
California melon growers applaud crop despite delay
California farmers say this season’s melon crop was delayed by about two weeks due to cool temperatures and wet fields, which affected early harvest of watermelons, cantaloupes and honeydews. It postponed melon deliveries to supermarkets... more »
UF disease, water info help Florida watermelon growers’ bumper crop
Excellent crop care including disease management and extended water and nutrient programs from University of Florida Extension personnel are important in helping Florida growers supply the watermelons that many Americans enjoy during the heat of... more »
Coalition opposes bills to overhaul California water rights rules
As California experiences wild swings in climate from drought to floods, critics of the state’s water rights system seek to overhaul rules that date back to California’s founding in 1850. Three water rights bills are... more »