Jan 7, 2016
CHS Foundation scholarship application period now open

The CHS Foundation, of CHS Inc., a farmer-owned cooperative, is now accepting applications for scholarships.

The CHS Foundation will award more than 300 scholarships in 2016. One hundred $1,000 scholarships will be made to high school students who choose to pursue agricultural-related degrees or STEM-related (science, technology, engineering, math) fields of study with an interest in agriculture or energy industry careers.

High school scholarship applications must be submitted by April 1. An independent, external committee will select scholarship recipients based on essays, transcripts and reference letters.

More than 200 additional scholarships will help fund expenses for existing agriculture college students currently pursuing agriculture-related degrees at two- and four-year colleges. These scholarships are directly administered by more than 30 partnering universities throughout the U.S. and application deadlines vary by school.

For eligibility information, applications and a list of partnering universities, visit the CHS Foundation’s Scholarships website.

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