Jun 12, 2020Cornell offers NY Forward Business Safety Plan Support for farms
New York state requires businesses to have a specific business safety plan in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes all farms, both food and non-food producing. In addition, a well-written and executed business safety plan will help reduce business liability risk during and after the pandemic.
A Cornell Task Force recently developed materials to directly support farms in the plan-writing process.
Cornell Cooperative Extension and Cornell Agricultural Workforce Development are offering a “NY Forward Business Safety Plan Support” webinar series with specialized webinars for Dairy/Livestock/Crop Farms, Fruit/Vegetable Farms, Retail Farms, Equine Farms and Greenhouse/Landscaping/Ornamental Farms.
The webinars, led by Extension specialists, will walk farmers through the need for and process to complete a safety plan as is required by all businesses for compliance with NY Forward, demonstrate project tools developed by Extension to write and complete a plan, share curated resources for specific industries
Registration is FREE and REQUIRED. The webinars will be recorded and the links will be posted.
- NY Forward Business Safety Plan Support for (Dairy/Livestock/Crop) Farms: 7:30 – 8:30 PM | June 10
- NY Forward Business Safety Plan Support for (Fruit/Vegetable) Farms: 12:00 – 1:00 PM | June 11
- PDF of Fruit/Vegetable webinar slides
- Recording of Fruit/Vegetable webinar
- NY Forward Business Safety Plan Support for (Retail) Farms: 7:00 – 8:00 PM | June 11
- PDF of Retail webinar slides
- Recording of Retail webinar slides
- NY Forward Business Safety Plan Support for (Greenhouse/Landscaping/Ornamental) Farms: 7:00 – 8:00 PM | June 15
- NY Forward Business Safety Plan Support for (Equine) Farms: 7:00 – 9:00 PM | June 17
Considerations and Examples for Required Safety Plans for Agricultural Businesses
s to allow you to either use New York State’s template or develop y
You can choose the format that best suits your needs to develop your safety plan. Templates are provided in Microsoft Word, a fillable PDF form, or you can simply print the template and hand-write text into the boxes provided to address the specific situation for your business. A task force of Cornell Cooperative Extension professionals from across the state, who collectively are familiar with the many different types of enterprises and complexity of agricultural businesses in New York, developed these tools to help make it easier for you to meet the state mandate for a safety plan to protect the people associated with your business.
Blank Templates
These are blank templates that you can download and use to write your farm business’s safety plan.
- Link to NY State Business Safety Plan Template, Adobe PDF format, suitable to print and handwrite your plan
- Business Safety Plan Template with fillable boxes, Adobe PDF (Reduce font size if necessary to view text in boxes when printing.)
- Business Safety Plan Template, Microsoft Word
Considerations and Examples For Your Plan
A team of Cornell Cooperative Extension professionals developed documents with important information and concepts for you to consider as you write your plan and examples of what might appear in a farm safety plan. Use these documents to help you think through each part of your farm safety plan.
- Farm, Production Agriculture Only: PDF version or Word version
- Farm, Retail Sales Module. Use this in combination with the production agriculture document if your farm includes retail sales: PDF version or Word version