Apr 8, 2024
Customers focus of Enza Zaden departments reorganization

In a change that reflects global seed breeder Enza Zaden’s awareness of accelerated change in the seed industry, the company has integrated two of its departments.

During the past three years, Enza Zaden integrated departments into its North and Central American operations. The marketing and the product management teams are working collaboratively to strengthen the organization’s overall capacity to deliver ongoing value to customers in Canada, U.S., Mexico, and Central America, according to a news release.

Enza ZadenBoth departments play pivotal roles in fostering partnerships and gathering data-driven insights across the entire value chain. This way of working aligns with Enza Zaden’s global vision to deliver the future needs of customers through cross-functional collaboration, partnerships, and market trend insights, according to the release.

“Our goals will be achieved through the continued pursuit of closer connections with customers. Through extensive use of data analytics in an environment that’s evolving quickly, we are fostering synergies within and among global regions,” Hermann Castro, marketing team leader, said in the release.

Enza Zaden’s approach goes beyond regional boundaries. The company travels to improve partnerships with stakeholders, to understand the product challenges of distinct growing regions, and to provide new and timely product solutions that reflect the insight of Enza Zaden’s local and global resources, according to the release.

An international seed breeding company based in The Netherlands, Enza Zaden breeds watermelons and vegetables including peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and onions. The company operates in more than 75 countries and services the North American greenhouse industry.

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