Jul 31, 2019
FieldNET Pivot Watch available at US dealers

FieldNET Pivot Watch is now available through Zimmatic dealers in the U.S. and Canada, according to a press release.

Albert Maurin, sales and tactical marketing manager at Lindsay, said the device attaches with a simple aluminum band. “There’s no need to tap into the pivot’s electrical circuitry, which means growers will have the ability to install Pivot Watch themselves,” he said in the release

Compatible with any brand of pivot, electric or hydraulic, FieldNET Pivot Watch has integrated cellular connectivity, GPS positioning and other embedded sensors, giving growers the ability to remotely monitor their pivot’s functions, including current position, status, direction and speed via the FieldNET mobile app.

Purchasers get access to FieldNET Advisor, which gives science-based recommendations about irrigation.

Maurin said eight new beta crops recently were introduced to FieldNET Advisor —canola, carrots, mint, oats, onions, pasture (forage — first year and established) and sweet potatoes.

New features are now available for use when making adjustments to crops’ available water settings. Other new features give growers the ability to:

  • Download water and crop growth information
  • View FieldNET Advisor predictions from past dates
  • Adjust refill levels by soil zone

Enhancements include:

  • Simplified navigation and usability
  • Improved support of multiple crop zones by allowing variable safety buffers

The FieldNET mobile app also has been updated with new features, including:

  • A new indicator on the equipment dashboard that shows which end guns are currently operating
  • Improved user experience for setting GPS barriers and service stops
  • The addition of a pivot position indicator that displays when making adjustments to barrier areas, service stops and end guns

Photo: Lindsay Corporation

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