Jun 29, 2022
N.Y. Strawberry Crop flourishing this season

New York State strawberries are flourishing this year, thanks to a cool, rainy early spring that produced prime conditions for budding plants.

Farmers in the state are reporting bumper crops of the berries, some measuring as large as two inches wide, with minimal green tips and a lightly sweet fragrance. Besides the favorable weather conditions, New York State strawberries have gotten an assist from an unusually savvy group of growers, who have learned to successfully and safely combat spotted wing drosophilia, an invasive fruit fly that has been devastating berry crops for more than a decade.

Although New York State farmers grow a variety of strawberries, June-bearing strawberries are the most popular. These produce the largest fruits, which grow for two to three weeks and are usually sweetest in late June. Ever-bearing strawberries produce two harvests per year: one in spring and one in late summer or early fall. A small number of ever-bearing varieties can produce a third harvest later in the fall. Day-neutral strawberries have smaller fruit but produce flowers and strawberries when the temperature is between 35°-85° Fahrenheit. This means most day-neutral plants can produce strawberries into October.

To learn more about the different types of strawberries and when they’re available for purchase, contact your local fruit farm. Use the Find a Farm directory to locate a New York State grower near you.

Founded in 1988, the New York State Berry Growers Association is a nonprofit educational association for berry growers, from large wholesale family farms to independent farm stands and small pick-your-own operations across New York State. The association promotes the growing and marketing of berries through the exchange of valuable information, including scientific research and farming techniques. The association also represents growers in issues of labor, research, and technology, both academically and legislatively, and awards research grants to study and address issues important to New York State berry growers.

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