Jul 18, 2024
New tech geared to help with crop input, farm management

Ag Assistant, a new AI-powered agronomic engine, was launched and it is designed to assist growers with crop input and farm management.

“Ag Assistant is the result of extensive data collection and analysis,” said Jason Minton, chief commercial officer for Taranis. “Our AI model, trained on over 500 million leaf-level data points, will improve the quality of service agronomists provide to growers.”

Multimodal AI is used to enhance the speed and accuracy of addressing in-season agricultural threats.



The system integrates data from various sources, including weather maps, machinery data, university research and peer-reviewed studies. Ag Assistant cross-references this information to identify threats in a grower’s field and offers targeted recommendations.

“Ag Assistant streamlines precision farming, allowing for efficient and accurate responses to threats, ultimately improving profitability for growers,” said Opher Flohr, CEO for Taranis.

Ag Assistant was designed to deliver detailed reports to the Taranis platform, alerting both agronomists and growers to management opportunities in hours rather than days. This advancement may help with agricultural retail services and may provide insights for future crop management decisions.

For more information, visit taranis.com.

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