
Central Valley Project announcement brings California Farm Bureau response

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation announced Feb. 23 that it anticipates zero water allocations this year from the Central Valley Project, likely marking the second straight year that California farmers and ranchers will be denied critical water resource... more

Workshop focused on growing specialty crops set in Tennessee

The University of Tennessee (UT) Center for Profitable Agriculture along with UT Extension state and area specialists will conduct an outreach program on specialty crops in Tennessee. The workshop series, “Considerations for Growing and Marketin... more

Burns to take over as CEO; Stenzel moving to consulting role for IFPA

Cathy Burns, currently co-CEO of the new International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) formed by the combination of United Fresh Produce Association (UFPA) and the Produce Marketing Association (PMA), will become its singular CEO effective March 31.... more

Major marketing campaign launched by California Strawberries

In time for National Strawberry Day, California Strawberries is set to amplify strawberries and their many health benefits via the new year-long, consumer-focused campaign ‘Love, Strawberries.’ Inspired by the love and the care the heart-healthy ... more

Cyclospora inactivation methods target of A1 validation

Scott Lenaghan, Ph.D. with the University of Tennessee, is enlisting artificial intelligence and machine learning to speed detection of Cyclospora cayetanensis’ infectious life stage. “Right now, the only way to know whether it’s viable is a... more

Sakata Seed America launches CEA-focused website

Sakata Seed America has officially launched a comprehensive website detailing specifics of Sakata’s CEA product offerings. In 2019, Sakata Seed America became a leader in the breeding world to pivot focus for an array of existing genetics that ... more

Idaho potato farm assessed $25K in penalties for ag labor violations

U.S. Department of Labor investigators determined that an Idaho employer violated its obligations to guest workers Guest workers often travel hundreds, if not thousands of miles from their native countries to the U.S. to perform seasonal work, muc... more

Current Issue

VGN April Cover

Tech allows growers to ‘eavesdrop’ on insects

Managing wildlife on the farm

Southwest Florida’s Worden Farm manages challenges

Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association says farewell to leader

Southeast Regional Show recognizes leaders

Veg Connections: Biopesticides and beneficial insects

Business: Why do most succession plans fail?

60 years of advocating for agricultural employers

Keeping CSA members engaged and loyal

see all current issue »

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