
John Deere expands its track offerings for 8RX Four-Track Tractors

John Deere has expanded its track offerings for 8RX Four-Track Tractors to better meet producer needs by including optional 16.5-inch-wide tracks for both front and rear. “These new tracks are specifically designed for John Deere 8RX Four-Track ... more

Chlorpyrifos use on food crops banned by EPA

The EPA announced it will stop the use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos on all food to better protect human health, particularly that of children and farmworkers. In a final rule released Aug. 18, EPA is revoking all “tolerances” for chlorpyrifos... more

USDA revises trade standards for watermelons

The USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service is revising the U.S. Standards for Watermelon to provide a common language for trade. AMS is establishing a total tolerance for Anthracnose and decay in the U.S. No. 1 and U.S. No. 2 grades; adjusting the ... more

Vestaron adds Papadellis as board chair

Former President and Chief Executive Officer Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc., Randy C. Papadellis has been named as Chairperson of the Vestaron Board of Directors. As Vestaron’s mission is to lead a peptide-based revolution in crop protection, Pap... more

‘Crop Protection Solution of the Year’ Award goes to Vive Crop Protection

Vive Crop Protection announced Aug. 18 that it has been selected as winner of the “Crop Protection Solution of the Year” award in the 2021 AgTech Breakthrough Awards. These awards are conducted by AgTech Breakthrough, a leading market intellig... more

Infrastructure bill to benefit water projects in West

With vast swaths of the West experiencing exceptional or extreme drought conditions and more than 90 active wildfires, a national coalition led by the California Farm Bureau has helped secure Senate approval for major federal investments in critical ... more

Heat, drought cutting into California tomato harvest

Mother Nature may have cranked up the thermostat, but Sutter County, California, grower Dave Richter said he still expects his processing tomatoes to reach the cannery in good shape. When the temperature reaches 103 or 104 degrees – as it has on... more

Current Issue

VGN April Cover

Tech allows growers to ‘eavesdrop’ on insects

Managing wildlife on the farm

Southwest Florida’s Worden Farm manages challenges

Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association says farewell to leader

Southeast Regional Show recognizes leaders

Veg Connections: Biopesticides and beneficial insects

Business: Why do most succession plans fail?

60 years of advocating for agricultural employers

Keeping CSA members engaged and loyal

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